Formula 1 racing , world most dangerous sport works

Formula 1 originated in France . In 1906 a car race was held . The name of the race is French grand prix . The meaning of French grand prix is the great prize . This time car racing did not test the speed of the driver. They focused on the endurance of the driver. The race would stretch from one city to another on normal road . In 1904 an international association was established, which name is AIACR . Today we know that FIA. It was after 1946 that professional racing began to be conducted in on organised manner .same rules were drafted in 1947, knows as the formulas . The first season of the world championship was announced in 1950 .



A championship with 7 races across 7 countries. Monaco grand prix, British grand prix, Swiss grand prix, Italian grand prix, Belgian grand prix, french grand prix, Indianapolis 500. This first championship was won by an Italian driver ,driving for the Alfa Romeo team.there will be 23 races on this time.this came is a competition of technology as well to see who can manufacture the fastest car . When new technology would be innovated during formula 1, those technologies can be later used for manufacturing consumer cars. The current world the glorecord for the fastest speed is 372.5 km/hr .

This happened during a race in Mexico in 2016. The first is providing helmets by the companies compulsorily. They have carbon fibre head and neck support. Additionally the suit that the drivers were is made of multi layered fireproof material. Driver are equipped with biometric gloves,the gloves are fitted with sensors that constantly measure and transmit vitals such as heartbeats to medical staff .

The seatbelt in the car are so tight that the help of another person is required to fixed it. There are fire extinguishers in the cars too but the most groundbreaking innovation in terms of safety was in 2018. These f1 cars are truly engineering Marvel, years of knowledge accumulated to craft these to perfection.


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