
Mystery of Titanic ship


This is the incident of 10th April, 1912 , RMS Titanic: world’s largest and most luxurious ship in its time , it set out on its first was traveling from Southampton, England to new York, all kinds of people were aboard – renowned industrialists and actors as well as immigrants , who were on their way to America in search of a better life , it was being commanded by the 62 year old senior captain Edward John Smith . It was not only the world largest ship around 269 meters in length and more than 53 meters high , the luxury on this ship was awe inspiring. In this time, it cost 7.5 million dollar to build the ship , which you take inflation into account is equal to 400 million dollar today! The facilities and decoration inside the ship could even leave a 5 star hotel behind .

It was a ship that could never sink it was that safe . White star line was the name of the company that built this ship . But two days later after setting out on its first voyage, on 12 th April, 1912 , Titanic began to get its first ice warning. The Atlantic Ocean that titanic was crossing in order to get to America was replete with ice , there were mountains of ice icebergs that were a danger to this ship.its continued its journey towards its destination at a speed of 21.5 knots , which is equal 40 km/hours, two day later on 14 th April, 1912 there were 7bmore ice warning, but captain Smith and his crew ignored these warnings. They did not slow the speed of Titanic. At 11:39 pm , a man named Fredrick fleet was atop the crow’s nest . Suddenly, he saw before himself, a huge iceberg . He rang the bell thrice quickly so that the people below could be alerted then picked up the phone and called the officer’son the bridge , he screams that there was an iceberg infront of them and that the ship should be steered immediately, first officer, William , heard this message and signalled the engine room that the ship should be steered in the left direction but unfortunately, it was too late . Jast one minute later at 11:40 pm the ship crashed into the iceberg. This iceberg was not a small one .

it was 200 x 400 feet in length as big as a football field.a few seconds after collision, the ship captain, Smith and architect Thomas Andrews , arrived at the site to see how much damage had the ship incurred due to the impact. When they saw , they realised that the ship would sink , they completely shocked upon seeing this ! They thought that this ship was unsinkable! 20 minit after collision, at 12:00 AM , captain Smith ordered his crew to send a distress call over radio the nearby ships would maybe detect it and come to save them . Senior radio Jack Philips turns out to be the hero of our story, one after the another, he began sending distress signals there was no response. He sent another and another…. there must be some ship out there that would pick up their distress call . 20 minit later at 12: 20 AM , there was a ship called RMS carpathia that was present near the Titanic it detected the signal.


He spoke to the operator of Titanic over radio and directed his ship to move towards Titanic. The rest of the crew members lit up flares and rockets in the sky in the hope that a ship nearby would be notice them . But unfortunately apart from the ship carpathia there was no response from any other ship . 1 in the night, so much water had filled the compartment in the front that the blow of the ship had gone underwater.

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