Singapore is a highly bevoloped, high income country, and on this time Singapore is counted world top 5 richest country. One of the cleanest countries in the world , with next to no corruption or other crimes . Perhaps the no 1 Asian country in the truest sense .
Singapore is a tiny country . The population density is high to compare India population density.the population density of Singapore is 8028 people per square kilometre . Singapore is from the Sanskrit word Singh pura , singh means lion and pur is City , which means lion city . Singapore is counted the four highly developed countries in Asia . Singapore is a diverse country. There are people from the major religions here , Buddhists, Christian, Muslims, taolsts, Hindus . Singapore was occupied by an Indonesian ruler. In 1819 an ambitious officer of the British East India company Thomas raffles bought Singapore from the Sultan of Johor .
Thomas raffles turned Singapore into a free port . Any ship passing through would not have to pay any fees . In 1869 , the Suez canal become operational, so that the ships did not need to go around Africa , this led to even more ships coming to Singapore. The Britishers were growing opium in Bengali and they processed the opium in singapore. The Britishers had employed Chinese porters for this job , where they could find one of the lowest grade opium . Chinese people turned into opium addicts , thousands of opium addicts were living in singapore. In 1941 it was estimated that , there were about 16,500 opium addicts in singapore. And the 1940 S was the period of world war 2 . 15th February 1942 the Japanese invaded into Singapore and Malaysia and Singapore surrender to the Japanese.
Over the next 3.5 years the Japanese ruled over Singapore and Japanese rule completely destroyed Singapore. Chilling murders took place. The time the Japanese lost the war in 1945 ,and withdraw from singapore.this time there were more than 30,000 opium addicts, widespread gambling and prostitution in the country, there were food shortages and people were starving to death , and Singapore had turned into a slum colony. Then finished world war 3 the British East India company reclaim Singapore’s control, and a British millitary administration, tried to get things under some control. In 1948 , the first election were held , the election were held for only some seats , Singapore’s constitution was framed,it was revised twice in 1955 and 1958 .
The election were won by the young leader Lee Kuan yew . The secretary general of people’s action party(pap) . He became the first prime minister of Singapore. Initially Lee Kuan yew believe that Singapore will not be able to service as an independent country. In 1963 he merged Singapore with Malaysia but now comes a shocking twist , Malaysian government was not thrilled to have Singapore be a part af their country. In 1965 Singapore will once again be separated from Malaysia and be an independent country. 1967 British announced that they would withdraw their troops from Singapore , and would leave the country altogether. Lee Kuan yew request the British to postpone their departure to give them proper time to transition. In 1967 Lee Kuan yew founded the asean group. For the defence of nation , Lee Kuan yew introduced national service in the same year’s.
When the boy in the country attained 16.5 years of age the need to register for national service. Lee Kuan yew promise that Singapore will be a multi racial nation. In 1990 the maintenance of the religious harmony act was passed . He launched a campaign to keep singapore clean on the 1st October 1968 , a nationwide keep singapore clean campaign was launched by the prime minister. In 1992 chewing gum was banned in singapore. For spitting, littering , smoking the first offence would be fined $1000 (singapore Dollar) , second offence $200, and third offence would attract a fine of $5000. As 2021 , about 80% of people in singapore, live in public housing , homes provide by the government.