The story of Kargil war


The kargil war at 1999. Some Pakistani soldiers was entered to Indian territory by crossing Pakistani or Indian border. And some time after a fall- fledged war ensued between India and Pakistan. It’s war we called kargil war . This time Indian prime minister is Atal bihari vajpayee. Atal Bihari Vajpayee say that ” the world has seen that we want peace , now the world will see that to protect our peace , we can use strength if we need to . One of the most famous war heroes of the kargil war was caption Vikram batra .


Recently, a film has been made about him “shersaah ” .the story of Kargil war will be started on 3rd may 1999 , 8n a small village in the batalik region there was a local shepherd Tashi namgyal , he lost his yak . He want to look for his yak with a friend,he saw that some armed men , digging bunkers . And Pakistani soldiers was created a war moment. The Pakistani soldiers were in an advantage position in this war because they were on higher ground in the mountains. And this region gets very cold , the dras region is considered to be the coldest inhabited region in India , there temperature fall to – 40°C . To recapture the tooling hill was a difficult task for the Indian forces. There temperature between -5° C to -11°C . And Pakistani was blanket firing from above , because the enemies were placed higher in the hill .


Because of all these reasons for the Indian forces to move or try to climb that hill , was possible only in bad weather and moonless night. Captain Ajit Singh was among the officers who attempted this , he recalled how to carry even 1 gram of extra weight meant carrying an extra load . Major Rajesh adhikari led the company that tried to climb the mountain and his company was successful to quite an extent but when they were about 15 meters from the top , intruders saw them and started firing . Major adhikari and two other soldiers were martyred in hand to hand combat . There situations really very bad , because they did not have any more grenades with them . Coronal ravindranath handpicked 90 soldiers to go help the soldiers stuck in between and recapture the hill . And they reached there . Colonel ravindranath gave a final pep talk to his soldiers ” I have given you what you wanted now you have to give me what I want ” . The enemies were attracted from the back by the platoon led by major vivek Gupta, a hand to hand took place and unfortunately , major vivek Gupta along with 6 other soldiers was martyred , but these soldiers were even eventually successful in capturing tololing . And then the Indian army reached the base point 5140. In the early hours of 20th June both group started the climb and both groups were successful . The mission was Almost complete captain Vikram Batra came out of his bunker , to rescue a lieutenant. He had gone out to help the lieutenant the enemy that was retreating fired a bullet that hit him in the chest . And unfortunately he was martyred. Indian won at point 4875 , but had to lose two heroes captain Vikram Batra and captain Anuj Nayyar .

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